Responsible Ljubno
We are aware that organising such events has an important impact on the local natural and social environment. With that in mind, we prepared a sustainability action plan with carefully selected goals and numerous sustainable measures with the aim of reducing the negative and improving the positive impact. With consistent and transparent efforts in the field of sustainability, we want to set a good practice example in organising sporting events. Therewith, we want to raise awareness among the visitors as well as the broader public about the significance of sustainable management and inspire all future organisers and participants to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Increased transport, parking issues, generation of waste and consumption of natural resources are the challenges accompanying the organisation of a major sporting event. Contribute to our care for the environment: drive to the venue together, take as many passengers as you can or come on foot if possible. Reduce the amount of waste and put it in the bins provided, and we will take care of recycling. Together, we are creating a better future for our planet!

Big sporting events provide an opportunity to connect with the local community. In different segments of the organisation, we cooperate with local organisations and businesses to provide necessary services, which further strengthens the local economy.
Many volunteers from the local community are actively involved in the FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Women. We source some of our catering food from local suppliers and thereby support local farmers and businesses.
By involving the young and the elderly, we encourage intergenerational cooperation and raise awareness about the importance of the relationship towards nature. Together, we create an event that not only promotes sport, but also strengthens local ties and ensures the sustainability of our community.

We will ensure transparency in all aspects of the organisation. We recognise the importance of sustainability in the organisation of major sporting events and that’s why the Sustainability Committee will oversee and guide all sustainability activities that we introduce.
In our communication, we will actively encourage participants to behave in a sustainable manner. Finally, we will report on all activities implemented in a transparent way. Our aim is to ensure responsible and ethical management that contributes to sustainable development and a positive impact on the environment. This commitment extends throughout the organisation, as the entire event will be run and managed in this way.